Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dakar Index (with a nod to Harper's)

Times ceeb u jen has been served for lunch since arrival: two

Times per week that ceeb u jen was served for lunch in the village during my last field work stint: seven

Number of wheeler dealers who have volunteered to introduce me to their best friend so I can get data on prostitution: one (Full disclosure, said friend owns a popular bar)

Power outages affecting Mermoz apartment: three

Average length of power outage: one hour

Number of times area between apartment and VDN has flooded: five

Witnessed incidents of public urination: three

Number of books President Abdoulaye Wade completed while on his recent one-month vacation in France: two

Number of Senegalese mega-stars who have now released songs critiquing President Wade's recent delinquence: two (Youssou N'Dour and Positive Black Soul)

Cockroaches spotted in apartment: one

Cockroaches slain in apartment: one

Average cost of Dakar taxi ride: 1500 F/ $3.30

Average number of taxi rides per day: two

Cost of 10 liters of bottled water: 1000 F/ $2.22

Amount the housekeeper says she needs to buy groceries for one noon meal for two people: 5000 F/ $11.11

Hours that it takes our washing machine to fill, agitate, rinse, and spin: 2.5

Times that husband has asked me how many days we have been here: three

Times I have been told that husband is a good man: two


  1. Times in the first week that you heard a snippet of music from a passing car and thought, "Hey, I could dance west coast swing to that!": four

  2. Mbaalax not so good for West Coast, but we have heard lots of Lady Gaga and other dance club tunes.
